
Hand holding a compass to set direction compared to the sun

Getting the most from the journey

Are you a goal setter? Focused on making or surpassing the goals? What about the process of getting there? The journey? Could it be that the journey is just as important as the goal…

Woman reading email on her laptop computer

Picking an email service provider

Inbox full of spam? Thinking of changing your email service? I was there and went through the process. Then walked through it again with clients. Here’s what I learned.

Woman clutching forehead in front of computer, stressed out look on her face

8 ways to lower your stress

We all need some stress in our lives to function well. But too much bad stress can wreak havoc on our health and harm our business. Here are 8 effective way to lower your stress levels.

Stack of binders on top of each other, full of printed papers. No brevity here.

The beauty of brevity

If one word in time is good, two must be better and a whole page absolutely wonderful. Right? Or maybe not! Why brevity may be the best policy.

Street with arrow pointing forward

Roadblock or moving forward?

What will your business look like a year from now if you could just solve one major problem or capture one opportunity you’re facing?

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