
The importance of having thick skin

The importance of having thick skin

We may serve 100 clients, most of whom are raving fans. But if a few or even one of those clients go negative, it can wear us down very quickly.

7 dangers your website faces

7 dangers your website faces

7 things you need for your website. Magically, they could all be provided by the hosting company. For one low price. What’s not to love about that? Several things, actually…

10 ways to increase your creativity

10 ways to increase your creativity

Creativity is like a muscle. If we don’t use it, it will get weaker. But just as we can build muscles with regular use and exercise, we can foster creativity as well.

The power of the tongue

The power of the tongue

You may be familiar with the childhood rhyme, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” Sounds good, except for not being true at all …

9 Reasons You Need a Book-Reading Plan

9 Reasons You Need a Book-Reading Plan

Is reading dead? Are books yesteryear’s left-overs? People on the street don’t seem to be able to even name a single book any more. So why bother reading?

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