
Who is your website for?

Who is your website for?

Your website isn’t for the whole world. It would totally crash if they all came.

But we do want the right people to come. And take action once there.

When the wheels come off the bus

When the wheels come off the bus

The part of business (and life) nobody seems to like is making a plan for handling the unforeseen. When Crisis hits. But that won’t stop a Crisis from hitting and then we still have to deal with it.

What theme are you using?

What theme are you using?

That’s the most common question I hear from people looking to get a website for their blog, business or organization.

But it’s starting at the wrong end…

Creating that content

Creating that content

Every website needs content. Of many different kinds. Then all those pieces have to be created. Which can be a daunting task.

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